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What We Do?

Through partnerships across Middle Tennessee, Connecting Forward supports families by working with them to overcome barriers and reach their goals. 

Wraparound Services

Wraparound services include the following basic support provided by Connecting Forward through T3 funding. Short term basic or special need benefits or services (which are defined as wraparound services for Connecting Forward partners, clients and staff) can be preventative or traditional that can be met with cash, voucher, in-kind payment, and direct services. Every wraparound service will be attached to a specific crisis or episode of need.

Milestone Payments

Milestone payments as offered by Connecting Forward through funding from Tennessee Opportunity Pilot Initiative (TOPI) are provided to participants upon the accomplishment of a defined objective such as the completion of an employment, occupational, or educational goal. Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee, Inc. will provide milestone payments to eligible participants in accordance with the grant Scope of Services and Deliverables. Any and all funds provided to participants are subject to availability and limited to the grant operational timeframe.

Support Services

  • Support for attainment of employment and/or education
  • Housing stability and/or transportation
  • Special services and childcare materials for families
  • Other reasonable support expenses identified

Eligibility Requirements

  • Middle Tennessee resident
  • Receives or is eligible for public assistance
  • Interested in reaching family goals
Connecting Forward is a part of a study funded by the Tennessee Department of Human Services, which is being conducted to determine how these pilot programs help people improve their economic well-being. During the study, all new eligible applicants will be randomly selected into one of two/three groups that receive a different mix of program services. This project is funded under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee.