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Resume Development Workshop in Nashville

Nashville Goodwill Career Solutions 937 Herman Street, Nashville

Goodwill conducts a Resume Development Workshop from 9 a.m.-noon on the second Tuesday of each month at its Career Solutions Center at 937 Herman St. in Nashville. Participants need to have basic computer skills and must register in advance by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling (615)...


Job Fair in Hendersonville

Hendersonville Goodwill Career Solutions 205A Indian Lake Boulevard, Hendersonville

Goodwill Career Solutions will host a Job Fair for Nashville-Davidson County Sheriff’s Office and Goodwill Industries who are seeking to fill over 120 positions, from 10 am-noon on Tuesday, May 9th at 205A Indian Lake Blvd in Hendersonville, TN..-- Job-seekers are encouraged to pre-register for...
