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Basic Computer Training in Hendersonville

Hendersonville Goodwill Career Solutions 205A Indian Lake Boulevard, Hendersonville

Goodwill Career Solutions conducts Basic Computer Class from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays at 205A Indian Lake Blvd in Hendersonville. Participants must register in advance by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/digital-literacy or calling (615) 346-1810.


Resume Writing (Virtual Training with Nashville)

Goodwill Career Solutions is conducting a free “Resume Writing” training virtually with the training team from Nashville. This training will occur every Wednesday from 12 pm - 1 pm virtually. Participants must pre-register by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills/ or calling (615) 742-4151.
