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Basic Digital Literacy

This entry-level computer class is designed for new users who are interested in learning basic computer terminology; use of a keyboard, mouse,  icons,  folders and applications; Internet usage and navigation; use of email; basic resume creation skills; and online job search skills.

Class Times & Schedule

What You'll Receive

  • Basic skills for use of computers, internet and Windows.
  • Introduction to exploring jobs and applying for jobs online.
  • Resume creation skills.


  • Must be 18 or older.
  • A valid ID.
  • An active Gmail account (Our Career Coaches can provide assistance).

Goodwill Helping Reboot Careers With Digital Literacy Classes

After serving his country aboard an aircraft carrier, Jerry Young spent many years working in aircraft refueling and basic warehousing. But when his knees went bad, the U.S. Navy veteran realized he lacked some key knowledge necessary to move into a less physically demanding job.

“My computer skills are zero,” he admitted.

Young, now 62, is unemployed and receiving disability benefits. However, he wants to return to work and hopes to become a drug addiction counselor.

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