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Financial Literacy
Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy Training

Learn how to gain control of your personal finances and keep them on solid ground.

Topics include: Creating a budget; setting financial SMART goals; determining needs vs. wants; saving money and the benefits of savings; understanding financial institutions; checking and savings accounts; 401k/403(b) retirement contributions; debit vs. credit cards; understanding the benefits and potential pitfalls of different types of loans, including payday/cash advance, auto financing, mortgage/home and student (federal and private); and understanding financial documents (paycheck stub and W-4).

What You’ll Learn

  • SESSION 1 – Beginner financial literacy skills
  • SESSION 2 – Intermediate financial literacy skills and credit repair with Operation Hope


  • Participants must be 18 or older
  • Participants must register as a Goodwill Client and be on a free service plan with a Career Coach.

Fill out my online form.

Class Times and Schedule

Classes for 2024 have been completed and will resume in 2025. We will update this page with dates as soon as they are finalized. In the meantime, feel free to speak with a career coach about other training opportunities.