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Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Community Resource Event featuring UCHRA from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday, November 17th at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N Main Street in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling 629-237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Community Resource Fair featuring Cumberland Adult Reading Council and Tennessee College of Applied Technology from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday, November 3rd at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N Main Street in Crossville. Participants must pre-register...

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Applying For Work Class from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Monday, November 27th at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N. Main St. in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling (629)-237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Resume Writing Class from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Monday, November 13th at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N. Main Street in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling (629)-237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Basic Digital Literacy Class from 10 a.m. to noon on Monday, November 6, at Career Solutions at 1106 N Main St in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/digital-literacy or calling (629) 237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will host a free Hiring Event from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Monday, October 30th at the Crossville Housing Authority at 67 Irwin Ave in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by calling (629)-237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Community Resource Fair featuring Crossville Housing and UCHRA from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on Friday, October 20th at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N Main Street in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling 629-237-3548....

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Basic Digital Literacy Class from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. on Wednesday, October 4th at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N Main Street in Crossville. Participants must pre-register by visiting www.giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills or calling 629-237-3548....

Goodwill will host a Community Resource Event for Cumberland Adult Reading Council. Cumberland Adult Reading Council is a non-profit organization 501(c) (3) providing free, confidential tutoring to adults 18+ in reading, writing, and basic math by trained volunteers in Cumberland County Tennessee. Their mission is...

Goodwill will host a Community Resource Event for Crossville Housing Authority and Tennessee College of Applied Technology, which is seeking to provide information on housing and education, from 10:30AM-1:00PM on Friday, August 25th, at the Goodwill Career Solutions Center at 1106 N Main St in...

Goodwill will host a Community Resource Event for Health Connect and Avalon. Their services include: treatment to support the preservation of families and support services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims. The event will run from 10:30AM-1:00PM on Friday, Aug. 4th, at the Goodwill Career...