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Mission Possible: Goodwill Values

In our Goodwill Employee Handbook there is a section about the company’s Core Values. The second point expresses our promise to treat people with dignity and courtesy “at all times.” We don’t specify which people. We mean everyone, and we mean all the time.

Rules serve many purposes, but chief among them is the desire to ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and courtesy. Dignity comes into play as we strive to apply our rules consistently, no matter what an employee’s background, job title or time with Goodwill. Even when rules are broken, our policies make sure the individual who violated policy is treated with dignity.

Courtesy has to do with how we apply those rules. Our list of rules includes trying to reach resolutions that are respectful and courteous, allowing for different viewpoints to be expressed and heard. I like working in a respectful place. I like the fact that we treat each other with dignity and respect and with an eye toward courtesy. I think our Goodwill can serve as a fine example for other businesses.

What core values are important to you in the workplace? How do you practice these values every day?

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