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Community Connection Event in Hermitage

Nashville Public Library Hermitage Branch 3700 James Kay Ln, Hermitage, TN, United States

Goodwill Industries of Middle Tennessee will host a Community Connection Event on the last Monday of each month at the Hermitage Branch Public Library, located at 3700 James Kay Lane, Hermitage, TN. The event aims to share information about our programs and services, with a...



Interviewing for Work at Lifsey in Nashville

Nashville Goodwill Career Solutions 937 Herman Street, Nashville, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Interviewing for Work training at the Lifsey Building (937 Herman Street) in Nashville every Tuesday from 9 to 11 a.m. Participants must pre-register by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/employability-skills/ or calling (615) 742-4151.


High School Equivalency Class in Jackson

Jackson Goodwill Career Solutions 1320 South Highland Ave., Jackson, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions in South Jackson offers HiSet classes for individuals who do not have a high school diploma every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 AM to 11 AM. Both the training and the HiSET exam are free. Participants must pre-register and can start the...


Financial Literacy Course at Lifsey in Nashville

Nashville Goodwill Career Solutions 937 Herman Street, Nashville, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions will conduct a free Financial Literacy Class on the first Wednesday of every month from 9 am-12 pm. Participants must pre-register by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/financial-literacy/ or calling (615) 742-4151.


Basic Computer Training in Hendersonville

Hendersonville Goodwill Career Solutions 205A Indian Lake Boulevard, Hendersonville, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions conducts Basic Computer Class from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Wednesdays at 205A Indian Lake Blvd in Hendersonville. Participants must register in advance by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/digital-literacy or calling (615) 346-1810.


Monthly Career Navigation Hours

Shalom Zone 200 Small Street, Gallatin, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions provides education, training and employment assistance on the first Wednesday of each month at Shalom Zone, located at 600 Small Street in Gallatin from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. We provide assistance with goal setting, resumes, job search and connections with local...


High School Equivalency Class in Jackson

Jackson Goodwill Career Solutions 1320 South Highland Ave., Jackson, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions in South Jackson offers HiSet classes for individuals who do not have a high school diploma every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 AM to 11 AM. Both the training and the HiSET exam are free. Participants must pre-register and can start the...


Resume Writing at Lifsey in Nashville

Nashville Goodwill Career Solutions 937 Herman Street, Nashville, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions offers a Resume Training and Writing class at Lifsey in Nashville (937 Herman Street). This training will be held every Thursday from 9 am - 12 pm. Participants must pre-register for this training by visiting https://giveit2goodwill.org/careersolutions/employability-skills/ or by calling (615) 742-4151.


Solar Training Class in Nashville

Goodwill Solar Installer Training Facility 539 Mainstream Dr., Nashville, TN, United States

Goodwill now offers hands-on training for solar installer jobs. This is a four-week training course, 40 hours per week. Must be 18 and a high school graduate or equivalent to participate, comfortable with heights (climbing roofs), and exposure to a variety of external elements and...


Construction Training Class in Nashville

Cockrill Bend Outlet 7237 Cockrill Bend Blvd., Nashville, TN, United States

Goodwill Career Solutions conducts a free, four-week Construction Training Program from 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday at its facility at 7237 Cockrill Bend Blvd. in Nashville. To register for the program, visit www.giveit2goodwill.org/construction or call (615) 742-4151.
